You’re Wrong. I’m Tired of You. I Want to Shake You. I Still Love You.

Jude Jones
4 min readAug 17, 2021

It’s not just that you’re wrong and, be clear, you’re clearly, obviously, empirically wrong. It’s the combination of confidence and condescension with which you peddle your wrongness that angers me.

It’s galling.

You equate grammatically incorrect memes and the opinions of crackpots and strangers to the experiences of doctors worldwide, including thousands doctors from Black American, South American, Caribbean, African and other indigenous backgrounds. I’ve looked at your friend list. You know the same doctors I do. Fuck Fauci. I know Dr. Oden and Dr. Anderson amd Dr. Jefferson and…I can go on. And so can you! Your DMs work the same as mine.

And yet!

And yet.

You allow your distrust of systems — a distrust many of those racist, classist, systems earned, to be fair — to blind you to solutions that are both obvious and simple. If David Duke says the sky is blue, agreeing with him does not validate his actions, or his beliefs, or his thoughts.

It just means the sky is blue.

Your lack of consistent logic around what constitutes oppression, freedom, and blind loyalty is stupefying. You don’t know oppression. You haven’t seen suffering.

You’ve given up more freedom to get in the club to smoke a hookah, or to take a walk in the Louis Vuitton store. This is just kindness and common sense.



Jude Jones
Jude Jones

Written by Jude Jones

Go ask my pre-school, even talk to my old principal / He’d tell you how you I used to pack a number two pencil

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